The Princess

To My Beloved Royalty...

This is the first of a spin-off strip from Eve's Apple. YES it's debuting a day before her strip in Eve's Apple. That's because I loved her SOOOO MUCH I went to work on this new series! Enjoy!
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Guest post by "Rhulayne"
Having just finished binging the archive, I am restarting it, cause Sarah is just awesome! But the art style change! Its so radical, jumping from the newest strip to this one! I mean when you read through, and see the slowly changing style, its not as noticable.

Submitted July 12, 2014 at 2:57PM


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Guest post by "Toth"
Oh, my Goddess.  A friend linked this comic on FB the other day.  I was curious.  I have been stunned by the exceptionally wonderful storytelling here.  I read every single strip yesterday.  I can't believe I've been missing out on this for five years!  This is, easily, the best strip I've read.  I have to admit, I feel for all of the characters.  The things they must endure... I don't which I identify with more...

If I could give a rating, I'd have to break the scale for you.  Excellent work.

Submitted November 29, 2014 at 9:16PM

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